ICT Job Forum
11:00~16:00, Oct 6, 2015 / Room A (Grand Ballroom, 2F)
ICT Job Forum will provide a platform for dialogue among experts to ensure ‘Creating New Job in the Software Oriented Society’ in all around the world. Come and join the forum to talk about future ICT world and new jobs with representatives from international organizations, specialists, and policy makers from each continent.
Keynote Speech 1 (11:00~11:30) |
Eve Andersson
Senior Manager, Accessibility Engineering, Google Research, USA
Software engineering skills for the 21st century
▼ Biography & Abstract
• Biography
Eve Andersson leads Accessibility Engineering at Google. Prior to joining Google, Eve was Senior Vice President of Academics at Neumont University. She also co-founded ArsDigita Corporation, an open-source software company that was acquired by Red Hat, and she was Visiting Professor of Computer Science at Universidad Galileo in Guatemala City. Eve has co-authored two books: Software Engineering for Internet Applications (MIT Press, 2006) and Early Adopter VoiceXML (Wrox Press, 2001). She serves on the Professional Development Committee of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). She has Engineering degrees from Caltech and U.C. Berkeley and an MBA in Finance from Wharton. She is based in San Francisco; prior to this, she lived in Argentina, Guatemala, the UK, and various US cities. Her interests include travel, photography, the number pi, and working on her own software side projects
• Abstract
As technologies and business norms change, so do the skills that successful software engineers need to have. In this era, consumers expect software to be “smart”; it should adjust automatically to the user’s needs and help them accomplish their goals as efficiently as possible. Machine learning, personalization, and mobile/wearable technologies are more important than ever. Enormous quantities of data are being generated every second, and companies need software engineers who can work with data and convert it into useful, actionable information. Technology isn’t the only thing evolving; workplace dynamics are also evolving. Software engineers are expected to show creativity, collaboration, and flexibility. Communication skills and the ability to work across cultures are essential. And because of the vast availability of published information, sometimes the best software engineers are not the ones with the most expertise, but rather the ones that are able to synthesize information from many sources to creatively develop the best solution. Hiring managers should, in addition to looking for software engineers with specific skills, try to form teams that have gender and racial diversity; studies show that diverse teams are more innovative and successful.
Keynote Speech 2 (11:30~12:00) |
Mark Mueller-Eberstein
CEO & Founder, Adgetec Corporation, USA
How Do We All Realize Innovation and Collaboration? Key Trends and the New World of Work in the Innovation Economy
▼ Biography & Abstract
• Biography
Prof. Mark Mueller-Eberstein is one of the world’s leading experts on how businesses can leverage key technology trends, transform organizations and to drive a competitive advantage. He is an internationally renowned business leader, entrepreneur, consultant, best-selling author, and teaches at Rutgers University’s Business School. He leads “The Innovation Economy Research Institute” as well as Adgetec Corporation’s consulting business.
Discovering, understanding and explaining future trends of technology and communication technologies and what they mean for business are the key focus area of Mark and Adgetec. Mark predicted social media, communication technologies and cloud computing as a key ICT capability enabler for businesses and resulting transformation for the IT industry and professions and is now also actively invested into organizations focusing on the Internet of Things (IoT) and crowd funding.
Mark’s focus on helping organizations and their leaders to unlock the potential of new and emerging technologies has led to outstanding synergies. With his team at Adgetec and by using a cross-functional, responsive and international approach, they help current and future leaders from a variety of industries to align their business and technology strategies, increase agility and leverage opportunities.
Mark has spoken e.g.at TEDx, World CIO Forum, Central Asian Economic Forum, SIC, Microsoft’s WPC.
His books have been translated into a dozen languages and have been recommended by leading publications from the US over Russia and China to Germany. More information about Mark at: www.mueller-eberstein.com
• Abstract
New technologies and new work styles are not only challenging our work places, they are providing tremendous opportunities for those who know how to leverage them and manage the change. It's clear we are living in a time where technology and markets are undergoing rapid advancement that transforms the way we do business, lead and empower organizations. To respond, IT and business leaders need to understand how to embrace a more humanized experience where collaboration, innovation and creativity are the success factors for individuals and organizations. Unlocking synergies across functions and organizational boundaries becomes the new currency for engaging with peers and customers, building trust and reputation for short and long-term success. Where delivered value is not only measured in project milestone achievements and budget attainment, but customer satisfaction and business impact metrics. The Internet of Things (IoT), crowed-sourcing, freelancing, spot markets, sharing economy and their impact on established and new organizations and societies are some of the areas, we are at the forefront of today. Change of how we work, live, collaborate and organize is just beginning and ICT is both driving the transformation as well as being transformed itself. Mark Mueller-Eberstein will help ICT experts to turn trends, tools and capabilities into collaboration and business opportunities. These concepts reach across functions and with clear customer value, focus and results. Jump on this roller-coaster of a cross disciplinary, practically relevant, dynamic and inspiring presentation. the key ICT trends and their impact on businesses, organizations and of course individuals’ roles in the innovation economy.
Keynote Speech 3 (12:00~12:30) |
Kyung Dong Ryu
Vice President, LG Electronics., Inc., Korea
LG Software Platform : webOS Story
▼ Biography & Abstract
• Biography
Dr. Kyung Dong Ryu is V.P. of R&D in Software Center of LG Electronics. He is directing the software platform program, including the webOS strategies, global development, product expansion, and eco-system building. Until 2014, he had been a manager and research technical leader at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center. He had led several research projects in High Performance Computing, Cloud Computing, End-to-End System Performance Optimization. Before joining IBM Research, he was an Assistant Professor at the Arizona State University (2), where his research focused on PC Grid and Operating Systems for High Performance Computing. As a faculty member, he was awarded NSF grants and led several industrial research projects funded by the Research Consortium with Intel and Motorola. He published over 50 papers in premier international conferences and journals, including SC, ICS, IPDPS, ICDCS, TPDS, Eurosys, and ISCA. He is a senior member of IEEE and associate editor for IEEE TPDS journal. He received M.S. and Ph.D. in 1998 and 2001, respectively, from the University of Maryland, College Park, in Computer Science.
• Abstract
Software platforms transform many consumer electronics companies in their product development model. Today, smart devices are differentiated more by software features such as rich UX, applications, and services than by hardware specifications and designs. Having own software platform brings capability to turn any legacy devices, ranging from a washing machine in the basement to a watch on your wrist, into smart ones. This talk will tell the story about LGE and webOS synergized to produce great smart TVs with the standard-based web-centric platform and then to expand to various emerging devices. Job-wise, the need for advancement of software platforms demands more developers in almost all software fields including kernel, multimedia, graphics, programming languages, network, and performance optimization. The platform ecosystem will create more opportunities for start-up businesses with creative applications and online services. In conclusion, the rise of software platforms for consumer electronics will not only change our lives through smart devices but also create opportunities for jobs and businesses in software and services.
Keynote Speech 4 (14:00~14:30) |
John Morton
CEO of CPM and a founder to 3 Technology start-ups, UK
"No battle was ever won according to plan,
but no battle was ever won without one.”– Dwight D. Eisenhower
▼ Biography & Abstract
• Biography
John's is a computing career professional having started as an algorithmic programmer, run projects and departments, been in large outsourcing contracts and held positions of CTO within SAS (the Business analytics company) and Intel. John has particular focus on Big Data and High Performance Analytics using information to create new products services and markets or redefine competitive advantage. John’s experience includes:
- Architecting and delivering new Big Data analytic solutions in financial services, retail, government administration and security.
- CTO and Technical Assurance Advisor for transforming legacy systems to multi-channel, multi-product services leveraging existing investment. Circa 650M GBP.
- On the Design Authority for the delivery of transformation of IT systems for UK National Health Service (NHS) for Southern England and London.
- Innovation director and CTO for a technology company, focussed on healthcare, financial services and retail industry sectors.
- Worldwide consolidation of P&L accounts to assess fraud and financial crimes for grey markets and timely delivery of corporate accounts.
- Global CRM architecture for a Mobile Telecommunications company.
- IT Strategy definition for Central Government Revenue Management and accounting including call centre consolidation, multi-channel specification for customer self-service.
John is a IT profession skills assessor specialising in Strategy and Architecture; Portfolio, programme and project management; and Applications Design and Development. He is a Vice-Chair GIC Director IP3-GIC. Global GDP is over 70 Trillion USD for the Computing profession and the global program for computing as spearheaded by IP3 and IP3-GIC will be a catalyst for a more than a 20% increase in global GDP in the next 10 years to over 85 Trillion USD.
• Abstract
In today’s world these words have never echoed so loud or true. Leaders today face a constant battle to meet the changing demands of society on their goods, and services. The traditional battleground of understanding those that use your services and products seems quaint to the digital accelerators disrupting operating models, relationships, the way that consumers engage with you and how you engage with them. Technology trends today focus on Sensing (the so called “Internet of Things”), Predicting (sometimes called Big Data or more aptly called, Big Data Analytics) and Taking Action. The digital world is focused on Sensing and Predicting as these are relatively easy for science, technology, engineering and mathematics to tackle. Action is more subtle as it requires new skills contextual thinking, the ability to deal with complexity and a leadership style that unifies organisations. This presentation looks at one aspect from the recent IFIP/IP3 Global Industry Council Directors, 2020 Skills Assessment Report, Big Data Analytics, and the need for different thinking to drive the next wave of the ICT Industry.
Keynote Speech 5 (14:30~15:00) |
Andy T. Chen
President &CEO, Catronic Enterprise, Canada
The Secret Code to a Successful Career Path in ICT
▼ Biography & Abstract
• Biography
Andy Chen is the President & CEO of a global consulting firm. The firm’s principle business is to provide consulting services for utility industry worldwide. Andy is a senior business advisor for several leading global consulting firms and enterprise software vendors. Andy has over 30 years of experience in utility sectors specializing in Nuclear Power Generation. For the past six years, Andy has been assisting leading global consulting firms in business development for the Nuclear Utilities in China and in North America. In recent years, Andy had provided advices on Enterprise Asset Management best practices for power generations to several government agencies and State Owned Enterprises (SOE) in China and Australia. Andy is actively involved with the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) professional membership organizations to develop and offer products that they can use toward professional certifications and accreditations. He is the Chair of IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS) Professional Education Board IT Committee which analyses the demands of skills and competencies of ICT professionals in today and the future job market. The IEEE-CS is regarded as the computing professional's single, unmatched source for technology information, inspiration and collaboration. He is also the Executive Vice President, Operations for the Federation of Enterprise Architecture Organization (FEAPO). FEAPO is a worldwide association of professional organizations which have come together to provide a forum to standardize, professionalize, and otherwise advance the discipline of Enterprise Architecture (EA). Andy is instrumental in organizing the member organizations of FEAPO, representing over one million technical professionals worldwide, in the development of a guide to career in Enterprise Architecture. Andy held the position of the Chief Technology Officer and Vice President, Enterprise Strategy and Architecture of a Canadian-based electricity generator. This public utility company provides the generation and sale of electricity in Ontario and to interconnected markets. His primary responsibility was to align technology vision with business strategy by integrating company processes with the appropriate technologies. Andy was the lead negotiator for a multi-year outsourcing contract with a qualified service provider. The value of the contract was estimated at one billion US dollars. Andy helped with the establishment of the Statement of Work and Service Level Agreements. This contract also involved labour negotiations with two unions representing more than 600 IT staff. Andy also has extensive experience in a variety of engineering and systems roles within the company. He has received Professional Engineer and Project Management Professional accreditations.
• Abstract
The continuing high demand from employers for ICT workers across the globe arising from expansion and replacement demand is expected to result in a shortage of ICT workers for both new graduates and skilled professionals. According to a Forfás and Expert Group report, Ireland will have 44,500 new job openings for people with high-level ICT skills over the next six years. While the Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) has reported that Canadian companies will be looking to hire approximately 106,000 new employees in the span of 6 years for ICT-related positions. This means that there’s a good chance there won’t be enough qualified applicants to fill these positions. On the other hand, the report warned that “it is no longer enough to be a technical expert, the industry now needs workers with multidisciplinary skills”. Many industry experts believe that we are going to see a new, radically different ICT job market emerge. Studies show that 80% of ICT roles will be filled by non-technical staff, while 1 out of 3 ICT roles will experience an 80% decrease in employment over next 6 years. In his presentation, Mr. Chen will share his involvement in advanced research in the field of Enterprise Architecture and his experiences with developing an Enterprise Information Technology Body of Knowledge for a major computer professional organization.
Keynote Speech 6 (15:00~15:30) |
Hyung Woo Lee
CEO, Midas IT, Korea
The answer lies within ‘People’ –Humanistic Ideology of Naturalism
▼ Biography & Abstract
• Biography
- (Present) CEO of MIDAS IT Co,
- (Present) Chairman of K-Software Forum
Member of National Long Term Strategy Committee
Board Member of Software TF Committee
- Award Winner of Industrial Recognition (10’)
As an engineer himself, he became to be renowned as the executive behind the legend of taking the lead in the world’s CAE Software Market for Structural and Civil Engineering. “The ultimate purpose of the human being is the pursue of happiness, hence the purpose of management should be no other than helping individuals find happiness.” was what came into his mind as he started his research on Psychology, Neurology, Biology and theory of evolution, in order to understand how people think and act. All of his hobbies and specialties revolve around the ‘training and upbringing of people’.
• Abstract
The purpose of MIDAS IT’s Humanistic Ideology of Naturalism is to help individuals understand their identity and the purpose of their existence, along with a scientifically defined term for ‘I’ and the ‘World’, thus, helping them take the first step into a pursuing and managing a happiness-based life. ‘The key to the future of our organizations lies within ‘People’’ is something all corporate leaders and managers would relate to, however there is a need to ask ourselves how much we really know about ‘People’. It is a question to which not many have been able to provide a firm answer to. Our lecture on The Humanistic Ideology of Naturalism focuses on an in-depth review of the ‘Human being’, which lead to finding the most appropriate management principles to make not only the organization and individual, but also the entire world a happier place.