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The IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice (IFIP AITP 2015) is the fourth in a series organized by IFIP Technical Committee 12 (Artificial Intelligence) and its Working Groups.
Authors should highlight the benefits of AI technology for industry and services. Papers describing advanced prototypes, systems, tools and techniques and general survey papers indicating future directions are also encouraged. Papers describing original work are invited in any of the areas listed below. Acceptance will be based on quality, relevance and originality, and, above all, on the practical value of the work. There will be both oral and poster presentations.
- Industrial Applications of Artificial Intelligence Speech and Natural Language Interfaces
- Cognitive Computing
- Big Data
- Ontologies and Semantic Web
- AI for Knowledge Management
- Intelligent Decision Support Systems
- Intelligent Agents
- Integration of AI with other Technologies
- Distributed AI Algorithms, Techniques, and Applications
- Evaluation of AI System
- Distributed AI Systems and Architectures
- AI Languages, Programming Techniques and Tools
- Intelligent Systems Engineering & Design Methodologies
- Knowledge Acquisition
- Structured and Unstructured Data Mining
- Bayesian Networks and Stochastic Reasoning
- Fuzzy Logic and Plausible Inference
- Hardware and Robotics
- Social Impact and Implications of AI
- Evolutionary Computation and Algorithms
- Business Process Management & Enterprise Portals
- Intelligent Information Retrieval
- Learning and Adaptive Systems
- Planning and Scheduling
- Organisational Memory Knowledge Systems
- Knowledge & Innovation Management
Keynote Speaker 1 |
Elizabeth Chang FIEEE
UNSW at Australian Defence Force Academy
Dynamic Data Mart for Enterprise Heterogeneous Big Data and System Integration through utilizing Data Marshalling, Data Meshing Data Mining and Automated Data Intelligence
▼ Biography & Abstract
• Biography
Professor Elizabeth Chang is a Fellow of the IEEE (USA). Professor Elizabeth Chang is Professor in IT and Logistics and Canberra Fellow at the University of New South Wales at the Australian Defense Force Academy (ADFA). She hold BSc, MSc and PhD in Computer Science and Software Engineering and has been CIO/CTO in a Multinational Logistics and Transport Company in Hong Kong. Professor Chang leads the research group at UNSW Canberra at ADFA targeting the key issues in Logistics big data management over heterogeneous logistics, supply and transport networks, predictive analytics, situation awareness, cyber-physical systems, asset sustainment, trust measurement and prediction and risk assessment and quantification.
She has delivered 41 Keynote/Plenary speeches largely at major IEEE Conferences and the most recent ones are in the area of Semantics, Ontologies, business intelligence, data quality, and the Internet of Things etc. She has published 7 authored, 8 edited books, 15 book chapters, 100+ International journal papers and over 300 refereed conference papers with an H-Index of 35 (Google Scholar). Her academic achievements include 22 Competitive Research Grants including 11 Australian Research Council (ARC) Grants worth over $15 million. She has supervised/co-supervised 41 PhD theses to completion, 21 Maters Theses and 16 Post-docs.
She is Chair for IEEE IES Technical Committee on Industrial Informatics (2). She is Chair of the IFIP International Working Group 2.12/12.4 on Web Semantics.(2). She is also an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (since 2007) and Guest Editor on IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (since 2005), Co-editor in Chief for International Journal on Engineering Intelligent Systems and the International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering. She has been General Chair and Technical Chair for over 20 International and IEEE Conferences.
• Abstract
Today large enterprises and corporates are facing several major issues while managing their data and information. The divisions and departments typically have had their own information systems, legacy or near retired systems and data repositories, either in their own data centers or on excel sheets.
Frequently due to the lack of a single unified data source at the corporate level, we often see operational database everywhere, resultant data marts everywhere that lead to processes, polices and rules everywhere, and all kinds of dashboards everywhere within the organization or enterprise.
Due to this lack of ICT strategies, and understanding the importance of ICT governance, each division or department often has developed their own Data Management approach to cope with their business operations. This has resulted in out of control of enterprise data management, which potentially leads to greater risks to the organization, as data and information are the life blood of modern business enterprises, leading to a multitude of vulnerabilities to the business and its capability.
In addition, these disparate new and legacy systems lack sustainability because they cannot meet the dynamic business needs and there will no system capability for self-organized business intelligence, and they cannot adapt to the continuous changing needs of the enterprise.
Existing Enterprise Data Warehouses methods are systems which have been constructed by experts in order to answer in an efficient way business oriented queries at various levels of granularity along predefined dimensions. They have fixed designs and implementations, and they are not suitable for today’s dynamic business changing environment. Changes would require Data Warehouse experts to update the Corporate Data Warehouse Design and implementation each time when business process change or the business requires somewhat different information or intelligence. This is often impractical as software vendors tend to move on much more frequently than information systems they build. We have developed a modern Dynamic data Mart as an approach to Integrating Heterogeneous Big Data based on a modern technology.
In this keynote, Prof Chang will present an Advanced Dynamic Data Marts architecture and design principles that is built around 6 main functions, 3M (Data Marshalling, Data Meshing and Data Mining,) and 3R (Reconciliation, Representation and Recommendation), leading to mining the user’s behavior, user decision making processes, create and drop views automatically through usage mining and adaptive data mart dimensions, facts and data associations relationships in a timely manner. This keynote is presented with a real time demonstration of such a dynamic data mart that is built for a large enterprise, such as the Australian Defense Force.
Keynote Speaker 2 |
Erich J. Neuhold
Professor, University of Vienna
Semantics and Interoperability
▼ Biography & Abstract
• Biography
Erich is currently Honorary (Adjunct) Professor for Computer Science at the University of Vienna and associated with the Fakultaet fuer Informatik. Here he is involved with structured and unstructured multi-media Databases and Web-Information Systems and questions of Semantic enrichment for effective Information Interoperability and Mining. Lately he has been involved in questions of the Semantic Web, Open Linked Data and Big Data and how to use them in solving sustainability issues. He is also investigating problems of interoperability, security and privacy as they arise in those environments and in all the Web 2.0 social communities whether private or professional. Information technology, psychology, social sciences and business aspects all play a role in this environment and are closely interlinked.
Until April 2005 he was Professor of Computer Science at the University of Techno¬logy in Darmstadt and Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Publication and Information Systems (IPSI) in Darmstadt, Germany an institution of about 120 persons. There he was involved in basic research and applications on all aspects of Information systems and Internet Services, i.e. information and process intensive applications like e-learning, e-government, and e-commerce as well as mobile and location based systems. A number of spin-offs were started during his leadership to exploit the results of IPSI's research.
Earlier he has been Professor at the University of Stuttgart and the Technical University of Vienna and he has also worked in research and management positions for IBM and Hewlett Packard both in Europe and the USA and has graduated about 60 PhD students. He is a Fellow of IEEE, USA and of the Gesellschaft fuer Informatik, Germany and has received numerous Scientific Awards and Honorary Positions.
He has published four books and about 200 papers. His work has appeared, among others, in the VLDB Journal, Information Systems, Acta Informatica and in many conferences as, for example, VLDB, ICDE, MMDB, ADL, DL,JCDL, IRC, CAiSE, EC-Web, EURASIA etc. He has served and is serving in all capacities on many congress, conference and workshop committees and in national and international governmental and corporate planning and evaluation bodies.
His current home page is at http://cs.univie.ac.at/Erich.Neuhold
• Abstract
Interoperability is a qualitative property of computing infrastructures that denotes the ability of the sending and receiving systems to exchange and properly interpret information objects across program or system boundaries.
Since this property is not given by default as the interoperability problem involves the representation and interpretation of meaning it has been an active research topic for approximately four decades. Database models used schemas to express semantics and implicitly aimed at achieving interoperability by providing programming independence of data storage and access.
After a number of intermediate steps such as Hypertext and XML document models, the notions of semantics and interoperability became what they have been over the last ten years in the context of the World Wide Web and more recently the concept of Open Linked Data.
The talk will investigate the (reoccurring) problem of interoperability as it can be found in the massive data collections around the WEB and Open Linked Data concepts. We investigate semantics and interoperability research from the point of view of information systems. To set the scene an overview of existing old and new interoperability techniques are discussed and future research directions, especially for concepts found in Open Linked Data, and the Semantic WEB are pointed out.
October 6th 2015 |
Time |
Activity |
8 AM – 9 AM |
Registration |
9 AM – 9:30 AM |
Conference Opening |
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM |
Keynote by Professor Elizabeth Chang - Dynamic Data Mart for Enterprise Heterogeneous Big Data and System Integration through utilizing Data Marshalling, Data Meshing Data Mining and Automated Data Intelligence |
10:30 AM – 11 AM |
Tea/Coffee break |
11 AM – 12:30 PM à Session on Artificial Intelligence techniques in Bio Medicine |
11 AM – 11:30 AM |
Efficacy of the fuzzy polynucleotide space in Phylogenetic Tree construction
by Awanti Sambarey and Ashok Deshpande |
11:30 AM – 12 PM |
An Overview of Semantically-based TCM Telemedicine Systems
by Jackei H.K. Wong and Wilfred W.K. Lin |
12 PM – 12:30 PM |
Teenagers' Stress Detection based on Time-Sensitive Micro-blog Comment/Response Actions by Liang Zhao, Jia Jia, and Ling Feng |
12:30 PM – 1:30 PM |
Lunch |
1:30 PM – 3 PM à Session on Computational Intelligence and Algorithms |
1:30 PM – 2 PM |
Computational Intelligence Approach to Capturing the Implied Volatility
by Fahed Mostafa, Tharam Dillon and Elizabeth Chang |
2 PM – 2:30 PM |
CCF-based Awareness in Agent Model ABGP
by Zhongzhi Shi, Jinpeng Yue, Gang Ma, Xi Yang |
2:30 PM – 3 PM |
Evaluation of Recent Computational Approaches in Short-term Traffic Forecasting
by Haofan Yang, Tharam S. Dillon, Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen |
3 PM – 3:30 PM |
Tea/Coffee break |
3:30 PM to 5 PM à Panel Session |
October 7th 2015 |
Time |
Activity |
9 AM – 9:30 AM |
Registration |
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM |
Keynote by Professor Erich J. Neuhold - Semantics and Interoperability |
10:30 AM – 11 AM |
Tea/Coffee break |
11 AM – 12:30 PM à Session on Intelligent Decision Support Systems |
11 AM – 11:30 AM |
A Framework for Interestingness Measures for Association Rules with Discrete and Continuous Attributes Based on Statistical Validity
by Izwan Nizal Mohd Shaharanee, Jastini Mohd Jamil |
11:30 AM – 12 PM |
Rule-based multi-criteria framework for SaaS application architecture selection
by Falak Nawaz, Ahmad Mohsin, Syda Fatima, Naeem Khalid Janjua |
12 PM – 12:30 PM |
Interleaving collaborative planning and execution along with deliberation in logistics and supply chain
by Naeem Khalid Janjua, Omar Khadeer Hussain, Elizabeth Chang |
12:30 PM – 1:30 PM |
Lunch |
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM à Session on Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management |
1:30 PM – 2 PM |
A Novel Approach for Resolving Knowledge Inconsistency on Ontology Syntactic level
by Trung Van Nguyen, Jason J. Jung, and Hanh Huu Hoang |
2 PM – 2:30 PM |
Dynamic Data Mart for Business Intelligence
by E. Chang, W. Rahayu, M. Diallo, M. Machizaud |
2:30 PM – 3 PM |
ANOVA Based Approch for Efficient Customer Recognition: Dealing with Common Names
by Morteza Saberi |
3:30 PM – 4 PM |
Wholesale Power to Hydrogen: Adaptive Trading Approaches in a Smart Grid Ecosystem
by Serkan Özdemir and Rainer Unland |
4 PM – 4:30 PM |
Tea/Coffee break |