WCC 2015 – IT Education Track: K-12
11:00 ~ 17:30, Oct 7, 2015 / Room A (Grand Ballroom, 2F)
There is no question that K-12 education must catch up to meet the 21st century – how can accelerate the pace of innovation? Information Technology plays an integral role in the creation and scaling of innovative schools and creative solutions. How can we continue this work and inspire others to scale bold new frameworks for education? Top-leading K-12 experts from around the world together!
Keynote Speech 1 (11:00~11:30) |
Shaundra B. Daily
University of Florida, USA
Kids as Computational Creators: IT in the 21st Century
▼ Biography & Abstract
• Biography
Dr. Shaundra B. Daily is an Associate Professor at the University of Florida in the Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering. Previously, she was an Associate Professor and Interim Co-Chair in the School of Computing at Clemson University directing MorphLab. She received her masters and doctorate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab where her doctoral work with the Affective Computing Group involved designing and implementing technology-infused learning environments that provide youth an opportunity to learn about themselves, others, and to gain insight into interpersonal dynamics.
• Abstract
The ubiquity of information technology creates opportunities for students to engage with and design interactive media. Unfortunately, students are typically consumers rather than producers of social media, video games, and other online media. In this talk, I describe how tools can be used to support students in shifting from this predominantly consumption based role, to one where they are actively designing their own media using software tools. I present experiences from the past six years where diverse groups of students have utilized Scratch, a programming environment, as well as a new environment called VENVI to create expressive stories, games, animations, and dance-based performances. I end with a discussion of student participation moving toward the future.
Keynote Speech 2 (11:30~12:00) |
Ji Hyun Kim
Entry Labs, Korea
First Step for Programming, ENTRY
▼ Biography & Abstract
• Biography
Ji Hyun Kim received master in HCI from KAIST. In 2013, she has established the Entrylabs(ex EntryKorea). EntryLabs has developed 'Entry' which is a software education platform for children and teachers. Also they have been researching for software education and doing various activities to let people know software education.
• Abstract
Entrylabs is a nonprofit company support by Naver corp. We provide an online platform 'ENTRY' to learn programming easily for anybody as public goods. In this talk, I present the cases which were used by ENTRY to educate students and talk about what we plan to develop.
Keynote Speech 3 (12:00~12:30) |
Ji Hyun Yoon
Samsung Corporate Citizenship, Korea
K-12 as IT Creators : Samsung Junior Software Academy
▼ Biography & Abstract
• Biography
Ji hyun Yoon has spread softare edcaution in korea as Samsung Junior software academy and Junior software cup and educated 500 teachers and 10,000 students in the year.
• Abstract
Since 2013, Samsung has donated education to programing for young people (K-12) and teachers as IT company. Samsung created 6 curriculums and various tools to learn programming for public education. Also we have researched and proven how programing education to improve creativity for students. In this talk, I will share the knowhow of Samsung Junior software academy and various cases of young IT creators.
Keynote Speech 4 (14:00~14:30) |
Yasushi Kuno
University of Tsukuba, Japan
K12 IT Education in Japan: Current Status and Future Directions
▼ Biography & Abstract
• Biography
Yasushi KUNO received the BS, MS, and PhD degrees in information science from the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1979, 1981, and 1991, respectively. He is a professor in the Graduate School of Systems Management, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo. His current research interests include programming languages, user interface, and informatics education in general. He is a member of Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (JSSST), Japanese Association for Education of Information Studies (JAEIS), ACM and IEEE-CS.
• Abstract
Recently, many countries are enhancing their K12 ICT education with forcus toward CS and programming, and Japan is no exception. However, Japan's informatics education sufferes from various problems and movement toward the reform has only started recently. In our opinion, some of the problems stem from the fact that roles of informatics education have not been stated clearly enough within our educational system; relation of goals for informatics education and those for higher education were unclear. In this presentation, we explain history and current status of Japan's K-12 informatics education, especially on "Information Study" subject for high schools, along with various problems around it. Recent movements toward the reform, which are expected to resolve some of the problems noted above, will also be presented. Then we turn to the topic on goals of informatics education in general. Present goals as defined by the Ministery of Education around 1997 were well thought out and have extensively been used. However, they have weak points in that relationships with higher education were not clear. So we have picked "Bachelor's Abilities" as defined by the Ministery of Education, and proposed a list of educational goals for informatics education based on them, which are also explained and discussed in the presentation.
Keynote Speech 5 (14:30~15:00) |
Jari Koivisto
LUMO Upper Secondary School, Finland
The Finnish Educational Tradition – History and Present
▼ Biography & Abstract
• Biography
Jari Koivisto has graduated in theoretical physics at the University of Helsinki. He has been working for many years in the area of Finnish information society programs at the Finnish National Board of Education. His main responsibilities there have been to develop the national framework curriculum for general education especially in physics, and to coordinate and finance a sizeable number of pilot projects run by various schools and institutions creating and testing innovative methods of implementing ICT in general education. At present he is educating students as a principal in the LUMO High School. He has been training teachers for many years. He is the Finnish national representative in the IFIP TC3 (Education) and a member of the board of editors in the Finnish science education magazine Dimensio. He is a member of the Executive Board of the Finnish Science Center Heureka and a member of the Executive Board of the Adult Education Institute Toimela. He has been active in the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) where he has served as an International Committee member and an Executive Director. He has been working as a consultant in Ethiopia, Russia and Australia.
• Abstract
Finland has been exceptionally successful in a couple of recent OECD Programme for International Student Assessments (PISA). This programme is evaluating the educational systems in more than 70 countries. This success has aroused a lot of discussions in Finland where scholars and laymen are trying to understand the reasons for this success. Officially the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture has found three reasons, which are 1) the unified education system, 2) well educated teachers and 3) wide independence of the schools. The history of Finland as a nation however is quite unique, and it might be possible to find some clues in our history to help to understand the current Finnish educational values and paradigms. At least to the Finnish people this PISA success has been quite a surprise.
Keynote Speech 6 (15:00~15:30) |
Valentina Dagienė
Vilnius University, Lithuania
From Algorithms to Computational Thinking in K-12: The Lithuanian Experience
▼ Biography & Abstract
• Biography
Professor Valentina Dagiene is Chair of the Informatics Methodology Department at Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of Vilnius University, Lithuania. The interests include computer science (informatics) teaching and learning strategies, puzzle-based learning, intelligent technologies for education, learning objects, learning personalisation, and multiple criteria decision making. She has published over 200 scientific papers and the same number of methodological works, has written more than 50 textbooks in the field of informatics and information technology for schools.
She is working in various expert groups and work groups, organizing the Olympiads in Informatics among pupils, chairing conferences and workshops, also engaged in technology enhanced learning and computational thinking. She was chair of the 10th World Computer Conference on Computers in Education held in Torun, Poland 2013. She is a member of the International Steering Committee on Olympiads in Informatics and established International conference on Olympiads in Informatics (hold in Croatia, 2007, Egypt, 2008, Bulgaria, 2009, Canada, 2010, Thailand, 2011, Italy, 2012, Australia, 2013, Taiwan, 2014). In 2004 she established the International Contests on Informatics and Computer Fluency BEBRAS (Beaver) which runs each year in more than 30 countries (http://bebras.org). V. Dagiene is Editor of two international journals “Informatics in Education“(since 2002) and “Olympiads in Informatics” (since 2007). In 2011, she was awarded with honorary gold medal for contributions to school informatics in Europe established by ETH (Zurich, Switzerland).
• Abstract
In Lithuania, teaching Informatics (Computer Science)started by introducing algorithms more than three decades ago. Established in 1981, the Young Programmer’s School of Correspondence was a unique school for high school pupils to learn programming using postal services. The lessons of programming were published in the biggest daily newspaper. They took nearly half a page of the newspaper a few times per month for a number of years. There was also a program on TV – a half hour a week for teaching algorithms. Informatics curriculum in K-12 was aimed at developing algorithms, algorithmic thinking skills, abstraction and automation of solving tasks. We created a few hundred interesting and attractive tasks. Since 2005, the main attention in Lithuanian schools has been paid to satisfy user’s needs and to develop computer literacy as well as creativity. Pupils get familiar with the basic knowledge of informatics in grade 5 or 6, when they have a Logo or Scratch course and in grades 9 and 10 with a focus on understanding simple algorithms and coding. The optional modules on programming and related topics are available in high school, grades 11 and 12. Nowadays learning coding became more and more popular among schools with a focus on web design, robotics, and programming of mobile devices. While graduating high school pupils have the possibility to choose the Informatics maturity exam. The Informatics exam has quite a good number of choosers, over two thousandevery year (in comparison, Chemistry and Physics exams have around three thousand pupils each).
Keynote Speech 7 (16:00~16:30) |
Dave Reed
Creighton University, USA
K-12 Computer Science Education in the United States
▼ Biography & Abstract
• Biography
David Reed is the Director of Computer Science & Informatics at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, USA. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. in computer science from Duke University in 1992, and subsequently taught and conducted research at Duke University and Dickinson College before joining the faculty at Creighton in 2000. His primary interests are in programming languages and computer science education, where he has published extensively on topics such as apprentice-based learning, Web-based programming, and innovative instructional methods in introductory computer science. His recent scholarship and service has focused on bridging K-12 and college computer science education.
In recognition of his computer science education leadership, Dr. Reed served as a member of the Steering Committee for ACM/IEEE Computing Curricula 2013, leading the subcommittee on Software Development Fundamentals. He is a long-time consultant for K-12 initiatives, including serving as Chief Reader for Advanced Placement Computer Science from 2004 to 2008. He is Chair of the Board of Directors for the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA), a membership organization of more than 21,000 K-12 educators and supporters worldwide. He is also the author of a popular introductory text, A Balanced Introduction to Computer Science, which is currently in its 3rd edition.
• Abstract
Computer science education in U.S. elementary and secondary schools is at a crossroads. According to numerous measures, the availability and impact of CS education across K-12 is expanding rapidly. Initiatives such as Exploring Computer Science, Advanced Placement CS, Project Lead the Way, and Code.org's Hour of Code are reaching record numbers of K-12 students. The Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA), a member organization of K-12 teachers and supporters, has grown to more than 21,000 members worldwide. Despite these positive trends, significant challenges face the expansions of CS in K-12 schools, including state-level control over standards, budget constraints, and a shortage of qualified teachers. This talk will outline some of the successes and challenges faced by CS educators in the U.S. and look toward future trends in K-12 CS education.
Keynote Speech 8 (16:30~17:00) |
Hyeoncheol Kim
Korea Universty, Korea
K-12 Computing Education in Korea
▼ Biography & Abstract
• Biography
Dr. Hyeoncheol Kim is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Korea University, Seoul, Korea. He received his Ph.D. in Computer and Information Sciences from the University of Florida. He is Chair of the KACE (Korean Association of Computer Education), a membership organization of about 2,000 K-12 computer educators, academic researchers and other supporters in Korea. He also advises many organizations including Korean government on K-12 computing curriculum and plans. He is also the author of computing textbooks and more than 50 research papers. His research interests are in machine learning, human learning and their interactions.
• Abstract
Korean Ministry of Education (MOE) announced the new national K-12 curriculum last month, making ‘Computing (or Informatics)’ a compulsory subject for secondary schools nationwide as of March 2018. This talk will outline backgrounds, contents and future direction of the new national computing curriculum. Since current elective rate of the subject is about 20% nationwide, increasing it up to 100% by 2018 brings up many significant challenges to educators in Korea. Several efforts and initiatives such as ‘computing leader school’ and ‘SW-oriented University’ programs will be introduced. Several other challenges will also be addressed, including teaching/learning methods and tools, a shortage of qualified teachers and contents, and global collaborations.
As of September 15, 2015